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 Politics Archive 2014

Kevin McCarthy says he is humble to be
the next House Majority Leader
by Nathan'ette Burdine: June 24, 2014

After winning the House Majority Leadership position, Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) issued a statement saying that he was “humbled” to have the “new leadership role.”

McCarthy stated that his ability to successfully lead the House Republican Caucus comes from his upbringing in California.

In his statement, McCarthy credited his community for instilling in him the values of “hard work,” dedication, and respect for the job a person is doing.

“Growing up in our community, I’ve learned many important life lessons. I’ve learned the value of hard work and that you should always be the first in the room and the last to leave and that no matter what, decisions will be made with or without you, so you should always have a seat at the table-I am humbled to have this new opportunity at the leadership table to ensure that our commonsense values are represented in Washington and to make D.C. listen and respond to the priorities of Californians,” said McCarthy.

The House Majority Leadership position opened up after current House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) lost to Tea Partier Dave Brat in the Republican congressional primary.

Some Republicans began vying for the position, but they soon dropped out after it became clear that McCarthy was the favorite.

Raul Labrador (R-ID), a Tea Party Republican, placed his name in the hat last Monday. Labrador issued a statement in which he told the Republican Caucus that Cantor’s loss was a sign that voters want to change “the status quo.”

Labrador stated that he would be able to bring the party together and regain the American voters’ faith in the political process.

“Americans don’t believe their leaders in Washington are listening and now is the time to change that. I am running for Majority Leader because I want to help create a vision of growth and opportunity for everyone and start getting to work for the American people,” said Labrador.

After he lost, Labrador issued a statement and congratulated McCarthy on his win. Speaker John Boehner (R-H) also issued a statement in which he congratulated McCarthy, as well as Tea Partier Steve Scalise (R-LA) for winning the House Majority Whip position.

Boehner stressed that the focus of his new team will be on jobs and the economy. Scalise issued a statement whereby he said that he was “honored” that his fellow Republicans had the “faith” and “trust” in him to vote him into a leadership position.

Due to McCarthy being the House Majority Whip and Cantor being the House Majority Leader, McCarthy and Scalise will officially assume their new roles on July 31, 2014; which is the day that Cantor will officially step aside from his House Majority leadership position.

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